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"Biblical Prophecyā€¯
Starts: Thursday, Febuary 18th
Class meets Thursday nights from 7-9pm
Location: TFL Worship Room
This will be a seminary level introductory course to studying and handling prophecy in the Bible. The tuition for the course is $130 per student + course book materials.
This course is for all Christians!
Seminary level means the course material reaches the education requirements for courses but students can decided whether to do the seminary level work or just attend ("survey") the course. While the professor encourages all the students to do all the work to get the most from the course, we realize that life can make this difficult. Thus "surveying" the course is a popular option for many. When surveying the course, the student attends the live lectures on Thursday eveninga at TFL and decides what assigned work they will/can complete. Bottom line, come join us, fellowship together, learn and push yourself to the level you can!
The lectures on Thursday night generally take 2 hours but may end early, professors discretion. If you cannot make a class or two, they are broadcast live via GotoMeeing as well as availabe online for future viewing (online course option).
NPBS utilizes Moodle to assign course work, provide a place for discussion and learning online as a class, and keeps students informed during the course year. Each student will create and have a Moodle account online. Moddle keeps track of and gives access to all the courses the studend has attended at NPBS.
Instructor: Pastor Terry Kern, ThM
The Seminary is a graduate program for preparing people for ministry. This program is not only for pastors,
but all people desiring to work in the ministry of Christ. This includes pastors, youth leaders, teachers,
missionaries, Elders, church workers, etc. Courses in this track are more demanding and require much reading
and writing. All Seminary level courses can be taken for credit or they can be audited (especially for students who just want to learn).
The Northern Plains Biblical Seminary offers students the ability to earn any of 3 Masters degrees. Click here to learn more.
The Bible School is an undergraduate program aimed at preparing people for the ministry or for eventuall
advancement into the Seminary. This course is for all students who desire to earn a Bachelor level degree.
Courses in this track are less demanding with less reading and writing. Courses in this track lead to a general
Christian Education but will also include more secular basic courses such as Writing and general math and science.
Courses in the Bible School can be taken for credit or Pass/Fail.
The Northern Plains Bible School offers students the ability to earn a 2-year associates degree. Click here to learn more.
Student Registration: (one time only)
The Registration Fee is a one-time charge to get students on our list and to keep their records up to date and covers both
the Seminary and Bible School at once.
Click here to download the NPBS Student Application Form (PDF) (DOCX)
Tuition - course dependent but generally:
Seminary tuition: $45 per credit hour (may vary based on course)
Bible School tuition: $25 per credit hour (may vary based on course)
See course description for pricing and possible discounts.
Click to view the NPBS Academic Catalog
(NOTE: * Degree programs cannot be offered at this time, but are included so students can see the track we will be taking)
All classes can now be taken online or @home! We offer live webinars of the classes as well as posting
each class online (recorded) if you can't make the live class times online!
Classes are now posted online in Moodle for each student which contains all course information, lectures, assignments, forums, quizes etc.
Contact us to find out more!